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Vibrant Acres Colour Farm


Packaged Aluminum Acetate powder. Used as a mordant for cellulose/plant fibres such as cotton, hemp, linen, or bamboo. Mordanting your fibres is key to successful natural dyeing. A mordant helps the dye to bond to the fibre and will produce richer and more colourfast results.


Weight of Fibre (WOF): Use at 5-8% WOF (A small bag can be used for up to ~750g of fibre and a large bag for up to 2kg of fibre)





Please handle this powder with care. While this is a naturally occurring metal salt that is relatively benign, general precautions are still very important. Wear eye protection, gloves, and a mask when handling. Do not eat, drink, or inhale the powder. Always add dry powder to wet so that it does not splash. Always mix, soak, and store your mordants using containers and utensils that are not afterward used for food. Re-seal the bag after use and store in a cool, dry place.

Used mordant baths are safe to pour down the drain or on the garden in reasonable quantities.

Aluminum Acetate (Alum) Mordant – For Cellulose/Plant Fibres

Only 3 left in stock
  • Annapolis Valley, NS

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